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How to Keep Fit While Traveling

By on Jul 13, 2017 in Life and Health |

Summertime is a great time to move around and see the world. As a result, many people try keeping fit in readiness for summer. They exercise and “eat clean” for that perfect Summer body. And while many embark on their trip in tip-top shape, failure to remain vigilant while traveling can cause weight gain. So here are some tips to keep fit while on the road.

1. Regular Exercise

Exercise is one of the best ways to keep a check on your weight while traveling. The good news is that this exercise does not need to be overly ambitious or vigorous. All you need is about 20 to 30 minutes, at least 4 times a week. Use this time to work out in the gym or outdoors. You can do some light weights, cardio, yoga or just jog outdoors. The benefits of doing this are immense. Regular exercise will not only help you maintain a trim figure but also it will help release the ’feel good’’ hormones that will buoy you for the remainder of the day. Indeed early morning exercising can increase your enjoyment of your vacation. And if you can’t find a gym or go outside? Bodyweight exercises in your hotel room can still help.

2. Keep Hydrated

Keeping fit in hot weather can be tricky as dehydration takes place pretty fast. It is even harder if you are traveling through a country or area that does not have a good supply of clean drinking water. Dehydration is usually accompanied by the swelling and stiffening of fingers, and often a feeling of thirst. To combat dehydration, ensure that you carry small containers of water whenever you go outdoors. A bottle of clean water would come in handy as you take your stroll – regularly sip from it to hydrate your body and ensure that you remain fit.

3. Choose to Walk

Walk as much as you can in the course of your travels. Instead of taking a cab to move from point A to point B, choose to walk if the distance is manageable. It is healthier to sight-see around a city on foot than using motorized means. It provides you with the opportunity to absorb more of what the city has to offer – from discovering hidden alleyways, visiting places of worship, or to simply admire some captivating landmarks. If the distance is a bit long, you may choose to rent a bicycle. The bike will help you travel faster; while at the same time help you in keeping fit.

4. Go Slow on Alcohol Intake

Taking too much alcohol is detrimental to your keeping fit effort. Alcohol will only help you build up on calories – something that you would want to avoid. Teetotalers need not worry about this, but those who regularly take a glass or two of wine before or after meals may want to consider re-evaluating their priorities. Apart from building up on calories, alcohol is a diuretic. This means that it makes the body dehydrated very fast. This is counterproductive to remaining hydrated.

One way of avoiding alcohol is to allocate ’off’ days. These are the days that you decide to totally abstain from alcohol consumption. On these days you may decide to choose a healthier indulgence like getting a massage.

5. Visit the Spa

Visiting the spa for a massage therapy is one of the greatest ways to decompress while traveling at home or abroad. The effects of jet lag from the long trans-Atlantic flights can easily be reversed by a well-timed visit to a spa for well-deserved massage therapy. Indeed, a variety of spas targeting travelers exist across the globe.

6. Get Adequate Rest

There is nothing that will help you in your keeping fit effort like having adequate rest. Ensure that you get enough sleep every night in an environment that is comfortable and kind on your body. Avoid late night traveling whenever possible. Should it happen that you do not get enough sleep at night, make plans to compensate during the daytime. Schedule your travel itinerary in a manner that allows you to have time to relax and get some rest.

7. Go Slow on Treats

Treats like candy and cake should remain as treats. Avoid the attitude that “it’s OK because I’m on vacation.” Splitting deserts and limiting your intake of sweets will help you avoid unwanted calories that are counterproductive to your goal of keeping fit while traveling. Save the treats for special occasions when you are likely to appreciate them even more, as opposed to having them routinely with every meal.

8. Eat Healthy Breakfasts

Many believe breakfast is the most important meal of the day. As such, what comprises this meal should be chosen with a lot of care. Eat a well-balanced diet, which has the foods necessary to provide you with the energy necessary to fuel you for the better part of the morning. Resist the temptation to pile up on fatty or sugary foods as these will reverse any gains made in your keeping fit program.

9. Try Meditation

Meditation is one of the better-known stress busters. In addition, it works very well If you become agitated or irritated by the seemingly unnecessary delays that you are likely to experience in some airports. Meditation is also highly recommended if you are unable to sleep. To fully grasp the art of meditation, some measure of practice is required. The good news, however, is that there are apps in the market that can be downloaded to help a newbie with the practice of meditation. The apps offer 5-20 minutes of simple step by step instructions that anyone can follow to apply meditation for peace and tranquility.

10. Use Sunscreen

Protect your skin against the harmful effects of the sun’s ultra-violet rays. The tan from the sun may look good in the short time, but it creates a long term problem by making the skin prone to sagging and cancers. Get sun blocks that offer both UVB and UVA protection. Most of the European countries have provided a rating for these products in order to protect the consumer against marketing gimmicks. Most countries have set the SPF rating at 50+ and anything beyond this should not be taken seriously. Even though similar measures have not been taken in the US, it is advisable that you choose a rating of at least SPF 30+. It is even better if you can get a product that is multi-spectrum – one that has incorporated both UVA and UVB defense to help you in keeping fit.

11. Enjoy Yourself

Don’t let “keeping fit” prevent you from trying new foods. Don’t let workout obsessions keep you from spur of the moment activities that could build memories for a lifetime. Be flexible and enjoy each moment as it comes for what it is.

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