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Leave a Legacy With Life Insurance

By on Jul 28, 2017 in Life and Health |

Many people are of the opinion that it is important to leave a legacy when they pass from this life. What many are unable to answer is exactly how to leave the most appropriate legacy. Many individuals do not have an idea on how to go about this. What people fail to realize is that a life insurance policy can help them leave a legacy. In fact, a life insurance plan can be used to leave a legacy for one’s children, spouse, and even specific people in the society.

Indeed, there are certain key steps that you, as a thoughtful & caring person, should take to safeguard what or who you love. If you want to leave a positive lasting impact well after you are gone, life insurance should be at the top of your list. Here is a look at how you can rely on the life insurance policy to achieve this:

1. Cater for the Needs of Your Family.

The family unit is revered in most societies as the most important unit of human existence. We are constantly trying our best to feed, clothe and provide shelter and comfort to members of our close-knit family. We want to provide for our family members in every conceivable way even after we’re gone. The key consideration here is that the quality of life of one’s dependents should not be diluted upon one’s death. And you likely want to shield your spouse and children from the uncertainties that arise from changes in the economy as well.

The best way of ensuring that your loved ones are protected is by taking an appropriate life insurance policy. The survivor benefit from the life insurance policy will go a long way in enhancing your family’s economic stability in your absence. With a properly structured policy, children and other loved ones will be able to meet long-term needs beyond daily survival such as the costs for higher education, health care, etc.

You may also choose to nominate your nieces as nephews as beneficiaries to your life insurance policy. True, the needs of your nieces and nephews may have been catered for in the life insurance policies of their parents. Still, this makes a mark when they realize you’ve thought of them. The survivor benefits they receive will make their life easier and better, and on this count, they will respect you the more. There are many ways that your nieces and nephews could benefit from the funds that you leave them.

2. Leave a Legacy to a Charity

Mainstream and social media are filled with stories of charities looking for fresh sources of funding. Be it a charity for the homeless, abused children, rescued animals, feeding the refugees, or many others, there is always a charity that will be more than glad to receive funds from you.

One of the easiest ways of donating to charitable courses is through your life insurance policy. All you need to do is to ensure that you leave very clear instructions on how much needs to go to the charitable organization that you nominate, and it will be implemented once you pass on. That way, you will have contributed towards making life better for the less fortunate in the society.

One of the simplest means to give back to a charity using life insurance policy is to create a trust fund as the recipient of your life insurance policy. Be keen to specify the amount that should be given out from your estate upon your death.

3. Establish an Academic Scholarship

Making the decision to establish a college or university scholarship is one of the most respected ways of utilizing the life insurance policy. Many people who choose to do this name the scholarship after themselves. It is a great way of ensuring that your legacy lives on even after you are gone.

Different academic institutions have different guidelines on how to go about setting up a scholarship for needy or deserving students. It is important that you contact the academic institution of your choice so that all particulars on how to establish the scholarship can be discussed.

4. Create or Fund an Existing Park

There are a number of ways that you can decide to benevolently use your life insurance policy for the benefit of your community. For example, you may choose to create a park or help fund the care and upkeep of an existing playground. (Parents are constantly on the lookout for safe play grounds for their children.)

It needs to be noted that plans for such a project call for thorough consultations with the local authority. The town or city in the intended area is bound to have some useful input that would make your work very easy. They would also need to issue you with the necessary permits and licenses for the various aspects of the project.

The life insurance policy provides the perfect avenue for you to leave an indelible, lasting legacy. It is one of the most powerful ways through which you can enhance the continuity and economic stability of your family members and large community. It is also a great avenue for you to selflessly sponsor projects that will be meant for the common good in the society.

The effectiveness of your plans will largely depend on how they are executed after you pass. It is prudent that you seek professional help as you ponder and lay down the plans. An insurance advisor and estate lawyer are best qualified to help you navigate through the various options open to you. Additionally, the lawyer will help you to effortlessly set up a foundation or trust fund that will be the conduit of your benevolent deeds.Leave a Legacy With Life Insurance

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