Choosing the right insurance policy can be an excruciating process for many people, and they try as fast as possible to get through it. When getting auto insurance, most people prefer to go with a company they know or one they often see on TV. Often, folks discover too late via terrible customer service or a complicated claim filling process that their auto...
Read MoreEach auto insurance policy is a collection of policy options bundled together. The size, configuration, and protection for auto insurance policies will vary by the policyholder. Here’s how auto insurance policies break down, and what that means for you: Liability Insurance. Liability insurance is the coverage necessary for driving legally in most states. Auto...
Read MoreVehicle collisions happen each day to drivers of all ages. They are part of life in big cities and small towns. Knowing the correct actions to take following an auto collision can have a lasting impact on insurance premiums and possible legal repercussions. Take the correct measures to stay protected. Here are 6 steps to take following a vehicle collision: 1. Get to...
Read MoreHomeowners are taking too many risks with insurance coverage. According to a recent study by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), only a small percentage of homeowners plan for natural disasters when updating insurance plans. Approximately 4/5 homeowners are lacking sufficient insurance protection. Saving a couple of bucks today may cost a lot...
Read MoreDrivers may be leaving some details out on their insurance policies. A lot of drivers it would seem, as a recent poll found over 80% of drivers fudge the details when obtaining a car insurance policy. There are a number of ways to save on car insurance from safe-driver discounts to policy bundling. Falsifying details to save money will likely cost more in the long...
Read MoreEntrepreneurs utilizing personal vehicles for business may want to consider extra insurance protection. Making deliveries and service calls with personal vehicles may limit insurance coverage. This can be true for accidents while working or while on personal business. A local small business owner learned this the hard way. On the way to visit a friend there was a...
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